Friday, March 4, 2011

Heart Palpitations Celiac Disease

working on Internet and Social Networking

sooner we realize that we live on a planet whose reflection should be on the network, before we get to work in this present generation constant content: from a tweet to a comment from any e-mail you can think to send. He said the head of Google Spain Javier Rodriguez Zapatero , the meeting "English Digital Strategy. Horizonte 2015" of APD : "The ongoing production of content that changes the way transactions are carried out." But where? Zapatero summed up in six trends that are already noting:

1. All information will be accessible and organized .
2. The future of mobile Internet will .
3. The future Internet will hiperloca l.
4. The social interaction online will be the norm.
5. Internet will be the first platform consmumo media.
6. Internet became independent from the devices to live in the cloud .
7. Internet focuses on instant gratification, so the user will be more intransigent with mistakes of others. This spins

fairly consistent with the speech that the public communications consultant and political Antoni Gutiérrez Rubí, handled the presentation of the Political Communication Notebook 2.0 last week:

- Internet breaks the price-value relationship.
- In the Red is much better to use have .

Which brings us to one of the key verbs in this environment: Share . José Luis Orihuela , organizer of the past Burgos iRed Congress thinks so. In its conclusions reference to the power of social networks I'd pick these three:

- Social networks are the large database of desires and intentions of our societies .
- Social networks open organizations.
- Users of social networks have a commitment to defense net neutrality .

is not utopia, but it can seem. The commandments speed change in the production model is characterized by the speed with which the consumer mutates its customs and new business models emerging on the edge of these changes. Globalized transactions in the Village of McLuhan, but with a novelty: the user / consumer / citizen has power and becoming aware of it.


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